Monday, April 25, 2011

"The Mystery of Irma Vep" Mini-Review

Review of ATC’s Production of The Mystery of Irma Vep

by Marc Hansen

ATC’s production of The Mystery of Irma Vep is funny, random, and a total crowd pleaser. It’s not very high brow - a lot of the jokes are sexual, crude and/or over the top, yet it’s still more sophisticated than the raunchy, potty jokes of our modern Hangover type comedies. Yet surprisingly, the typically older, more mature theatre crowd responded really well to the humor. That’s probably due to the dedication of the actors, Bob Sorenson and Oliver Wadsworth, who were hilarious and became so enveloped into their many characters that they made the ridiculousness somehow work.

Grade: B

And that's all for this season, folks! See you next year!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two More Poems

The Future America (Couplet)

All these young people, filled with hope
Will turn into burnouts, addicts of dope

Never Let You Go (Ballad)

The smile you wear lightens my mood
Your luscious lips I taste
A day with you's a dream come true
Let's not leave it to waste

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Not So Offensive Poem I Also Wrote

Okay here is the last poem I wrote on Friday, but I had to put it in its own post, because this one's not offensive at all :P It is a haiku though, a haiku about Tucson.

Haiku for Tucson

The trees have no leaves
Cacti populate the land
Sand is nature too

Some Mildly Offensive Poems I Wrote

So in Creative Writing, we're in our poetry unit at the moment. I've never been a big fan of poetry and I'm a terrible poet, but we wrote these poems in class the other day and I'm actually pretty proud of them (well not that proud, but I think they're enjoyable, or at least enjoyable enough to put on this blog). They're also all comedic, mildly offensive poems. I was actually trying to write genuine poems at first, but then these came out. I wonder what that says about me. Anyways here they are (and I really don't have anything against Haiti or Japan; I just thought they were funny).

Adolescence (this one is a Limerick)

You life starts out as a baby
You were born in the country of Haiti
An earthquake struck
You're shit out of luck
Now reaching age five is a maybe

Japan (this is a List Poem)

Ancient Legends
Asian People
Atomic Bombs
This is what I love about Japan

Okay, this is my favorite one. It's a diamonte poem, and it's actually well written, not just offensive.

Men and Women

Emotional, Complicated
Doing, Making, Achieving
Courteous, Elegant, Success, Beauty
Burping, Farting, Eating
Apathetic, Simple

Thanks for reading! :D